Tanieshaa Shrestha, Graduate Fellow
Graduate Fellowship Recipient, 2022
Tanieshaa Shrestha, from Kathmandu, Nepal, will receive a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University in Qatar in June 2022. As an undergraduate, Tanieshaa distinguished herself as a teaching and research assistant in the journalism program, finding ways to gain practical experience in journalism while supporting her peers. This spirit of giving back was evident when she returned to work with students at her former high school in Kathmandu last summer. She helped create a youth service club dedicated to identifying communities in the area who require assistance raising awareness of issues like child marriage, human trafficking, access to clean water and educational resources. She helped students devise strategies for raising awareness of these issues by using photos, articles and social media. With a degree in social justice reporting, Tanieshaa will continue this commitment to advocacy on behalf of refugees and marginalized communities. She will pursue a Master’s of Science in Journalism at the Medill School of Journalism in Evanston.