2025 Grants Request for Proposals

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The Alumnae of Northwestern University's Grants Committee is soliciting proposals to support projects not included in the University's current budget. Last year’s awards were between $1,850 and $10,500, with an average award of $4,760. Past funding has supported the purchase of unique equipment and supplies, the creation of exhibits, conferences, symposia, innovative programs and support for research. There will be approximately $130,000 available for funding opportunities in 2025.
PROPOSALS should be no more than 500 words in length, in addition to the application form (see link below) and must include:
·      A narrative description of the project.
·      Dates to start and complete.
·      A detailed line-item budget.
·      If full funding is not possible, indicate whether partial funding is acceptable.  If so, what is the minimum amount required and where will additional funds be obtained.
·      Describe how this grant will be acknowledged and publicized.
·      Student organizations and groups, recognized by the University and having a chart string number, may apply.  But their faculty adviser must submit the application on their behalf. 
·      No applications from individual students will be accepted.
The PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE is 11:55 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025.   Please use the following link to submit your application form and proposal description: https://forms.gle/VSigEHD6qH4QBjE17  Proposals sent any other way WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 
Successful grant applicants will be notified no later than Friday May 2, 2025.
Carolyn Krulee and Carol Zsolnay,
Members of The Alumnae of Northwestern University Grants Committee
The Alumnae of Northwestern University is an all-volunteer women’s organization that raises funds for a wide range of projects to benefit Northwestern University, while sharing the University's academic resources with the community through its Continuing Education program for adults, now in its 56th year. Founded in 1916, The Alumnae has awarded over $10 million to the University in the form of grants, fellowships, scholarships, summer internships and endowed professorships. For more information about our activities, visit The Alumnae website at nualumnae.org.

2024-25 Academic Enrichment Grant Request For Proposals

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The Alumnae of Northwestern University is soliciting faculty-sponsored proposals to bring distinguished guest scholars, speakers and artists to campus for lectures, masterclasses or performances in the 2024-2025 academic year. The primary goal is to enrich the intellectual and cultural learning experiences of undergraduate students or the entire University community. This year $29,000 of funding is available. It may be awarded in its entirety to support one project or awarded in smaller amounts to several worthy proposals. Many past recipients have combined their grant award with other funding resources. Please see examples below. Proposals must be submitted by 11:55 p.m. CST on Monday, April 1, 2024.

Monday, April 1st 2024

Graduate Fellowship Application 2024-2025

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Award: From $10,000 to $20,000 to be applied to tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year

Who is Eligible: Graduates of Northwestern University who have completed a degree before Fall 2024 and seek an additional degree from Northwestern in a terminal Master’s program. Applicants may be newly admitted or currently enrolled as full-time students in a single terminal Master’s Degree Program at Northwestern during the 2024-2025 academic year. Dual degree programs are not eligible. 

Description: The Alumnae of Northwestern University offers this fellowship to Northwestern graduates who show promise of achieving distinction in their field and bringing credit to the University. Criteria for selection include quality of scholarship, leadership, community service, professional experience and financial need. Special consideration will be given to students who plan to pursue a career that serves the public good.

Friday, April 12th 2024